Rent and Service Charges

Service charges are an amount that residents pay to cover the cost of providing communal or shared services to a building and, if applicable, the surrounding estate.

The way charges are calculated and what they cover are set out in your tenancy or lease agreement. We're committed to providing our residents with quality services and do not make a profit from the money we collect.

What kind of services are covered?

As the buildings and estates we own and manage are all different, so too are the amounts that residents in different buildings are charged.

Here are some of the common services that may be included in your service charge:

  • Cleaning/caretaking, e.g. cleaning and maintenance of internal communal areas, stairs and rubbish chutes
  • Gardening and grounds maintenance, e.g. cutting grass, planting and weeding flower beds
  • Administration fee, which covers the cost of the administration of the services we provide
  • Utilities, such as charges for the electricity provided in your communal areas
  • Lift servicing and maintenance

 Service Charge Frequently Asked Questions