Resident satisfaction

The Regulator of Social Housing has introduced a set of clear and comparable performance measures (called ‘Tenant Satisfaction Measures’) for all Housing Associations on things that matter to residents so that they can understand their landlord’s performance.

In October 2023 we carried out a large-scale resident engagement survey to understand how residents feel about the services FGCH provides, to be sure they are being delivered in the way and to the standard that residents want.

The survey results are published in the table below alongside performance information relating to building safety, complaints handling and  handling anti-social bevaviour. 

Our performance for 2023/24

Overall Satisfaction

Overall Satisfaction  75%

Keeping our homes in good repair

Satisfaction with repairs 78%
Satisfaction with the time taken to complete repair 72%
Satisfaction that the home is well maintained 70%
Homes that meet Decent Homes Standards 100%
Non-emergency responsive repairs completed within target  88%
Emergency responsive repairs completed within target 87%

Maintaining building safety

Satisfaction that we provide a home that is safe 76%    
Homes where all required gas safety checks have been carried out 100%  
Homes where all required fire risk assessments have been carried out 100% 
Homes where all required asbestos management or re-inspections have been carried out 100%
Homes where all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out 100%
Homes where all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out 100%

Respectful and helpful engagement

Satisfaction that we listen to residents views and acts upon them 60% 
Satisfaction that we keep residents informed 67%
Satisfaction that we treat residents fairly and with respect 74%

Effective complaints handling

Satisfaction with our approach to handling complaints 34% 
Number of Stage One complaints received per 1,000 homes 18
Number of Stage One complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code timescales 67%
Number of Stage Two complaints received per 1,000 homes 5
Number of Stage Two complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code timescales 64%

Responsible neighbourhood management

Satisfaction that we keep communal areas clean and well maintained 62% 
Satisfied that we make a positive contribution to neighbourhoods 52%
Satisfaction with our approach to handling anti-social behaviour 49%
Anti-social behaviour cases per 1,000 homes 22
Anti-social behaviour cases opened that involve hate incidents 0