Tackling damp and mould – a collaborative approach

As a responsible landlord, we want you to live in a safe, warm and comfortable home. This page explains how we can work together to prevent damp and mould taking hold in your property, and how to ask for our support if you need it.

If moisture builds up inside your home, you could end up having major problems with damp and mould.

We have produced an informative damp and mould leaflet  about what to do if you discover damp and mould in your home and how we will help.


damp & mould leaflet flyer

Where does the excess moisture come from?

Moisture can get into the air within your home in a range of ways.

Daily activities like cooking, drying clothes, bathing or showering probably account for much of it. When moisture-laden air comes into contact with a cold surface, like a wall or a window, condensation will form.

But your daily household activities may not be the only cause.

If you have faulty guttering, a leaky roof, plumbing issues or external cracking, you may spot damp patches appearing inside your home (this is called ‘penetrating damp’). If groundwater soaks into the external brickwork or concrete, it may start seeping into ground-floor rooms or the basement (this is called ‘rising damp’).

Why are damp and mould problematic?

We’re not suggesting that a small amount of condensation is cause for alarm – in fact you’ll find condensation in most homes, especially on bedroom windows on winter mornings. But if the moisture levels build up in your home, mould may develop.

The warning signs of excess moisture are easy to spot. You may see unsightly black mould growing on your walls, window frames or tile grouting, and perhaps in corners of rooms or behind large items of furniture too. Your wallpaper may be starting to peel off and your clothes, curtains, bedding, carpets and towels may smell a little musty.

If areas of damp and mould are left untreated, they will probably spread – and may cause health problems

How to prevent damp and mould in your home

Here are some quick and easy to help prevent excess moisture from building up in your home and spreading from room to room.

  • Heating – we all know that keeping your home warm can be costly, but it’s better to have low-level heating than none at all. That’s because raising the temperature of internal surfaces will reduce condensation levels and lower the risk of mould developing. If you are concerned about heating costs, contact our Tenancy Sustainment team for advice


  • Condensation – use a tissue to wipe condensation from your windows, especially on winter mornings, then flush the tissue down the toilet


  • Kitchen – cooking produces a lot of steam, so put lids on your saucepans and turn on the extractor fan. If you’re making a cuppa, don’t fill up the kettle – boil only the amount you need. And keep the kitchen door closed, to stop moisture spreading throughout your home


  • Bathroom – turn on the extractor fan (or open the window) before you step into your shower or bath. When you’ve finished, keep the door shut and wipe down all wet surfaces. When you exit the bathroom, close the door behind you and leave the extractor fan on for at least 15 minutes


  • Laundry – dry your laundry outdoors whenever you can. If it’s wet or cold outside, use a clothes airer in an enclosed room (keep the door shut) with the extractor fan on or a window open. Or use a tumble dryer (condensing or vented to the outside), if you have one. If you dry your laundry on your radiators, it’s likely you’ll end up with a mould problem


  • Ventilation – the horizontal vents at the top of your window frames are called trickle vents. To ventilate your house, either keep your trickle vents open or open your windows for part of the day. Position large items of furniture, like sofas and cupboards, slightly away from the wall, to allow air to circulate


  • Insulation – don’t use your loft for storage (this is part of your tenancy agreement). Stored items will press down on the insulation and make it less effective. They may also disrupt airflow in the loft and prevent adequate ventilation, resulting in damp conditions.


If you have followed the advice shown above and your damp or mould problems persist or worsen, please let us know. The same applies if you notice any external defects, like a leaky roof or blocked gutter.

To report a problem, please use the Contact Us form below or email enquiries@fgch.co.uk

Here’s what we will do

If you report a damp or mould problem to us we will pop round for an inspection visit within 10 days.


Stage 1: Inspection visit

We will do a full survey of the property. This will include:

  • Checking that the property exterior is watertight, including the walls and roof
  • Testing for moisture and damp on affected interior walls
  • Assessing the performance of windows (cold and draught prevention) and trickle vents (ventilation)
  • Checking gutters for blockages
  • Inspecting the loft (insulation and ventilation)
  • Assessing the performance of extractor fans
  • Reviewing the boiler or heating system
  • Checking that your drying facilities meet your needs
  • Checking that there is adequate segregation between living areas, to prevent moisture from spreading throughout the house.


If we need to do any repairs or replacements (we call these ‘remedial actions’) after our inspection visit, we will write to you with full details of the works to be undertaken. We will aim to complete the remedial actions within 28 days of the inspection visit.


Stage 2: Remedial actions

Any repairs, replacements or further inspections that may be needed will be carried out by our own operatives, our maintenance contractor or a specialist contractor.

Here are some examples of the type of work involved:

  • Replacing damaged roof tiles
  • Clearing gutters
  • Replacing seals on windows
  • Repairing or replacing ineffective extractor fans
  • Installing or redistributing loft insulation
  • Unblocking eaves, to improve ventilation in the loft
  • Checking the boiler and/or radiators
  • Treating mould.


Support for our residents

Where a resident cannot afford to adequately heat their home, FGCH will offer guidance and support through the Tenancy Sustainment Team. FGCH will signpost residents in fuel poverty to seek support and potential funding from partner agencies. 

Where residents are on low incomes and drying clothes indoors, FGCH will consider gifting a condensing tumble dryer.

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