Paying your rent

The rent you pay is our main source of income to maintain our properties and build new homes.

Rent is charged either monthly or weekly depending where you live, and should be paid in advance on the 1st day of the month or week.

Rent increase from April 2025

To view and keep track of all payments and charges to your account, you need to set up your own FGCH online account:

Go to My Online Account


There are many ways to pay - choose the best way for you!

Direct Debit

Ring us to set up a weekly, fortnightly, 4 weekly or monthly payment.  


Image of logo for allpay


There are lots of ways to pay via allpay - let us know if you need a new payment card.

Go to allpay website


Bank transfer

You can pay directly from your bank account into our Barclays account: 

First Garden Cities Homes Ltd

Sort code: 20-93-12

Account number: 90946443

Please quote your 11 digit tenancy reference to make sure it reaches your account.  You can find this by logging in to your online account.

If you have any questions about your rent account, or how to pay, you can 'Chat Live Now!' to our Resident Services Team or use our Contact Us form below.

Contact Us

Contact Us Form

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory

Please read our PRIVACY NOTICE  to understand how we will take care of your personal data.

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